In Genesis 3 we have the account of the fall of Adam and Eve, the fall of humanity. Genesis 3 also gives us the first glimpse of God's plan of salvation. (This is Part 2 of Paradise Lost)
Welcome to my blog. Here I share my thoughts on what matters to me.
All in sermon
In Genesis 3 we have the account of the fall of Adam and Eve, the fall of humanity. Genesis 3 also gives us the first glimpse of God's plan of salvation. (This is Part 2 of Paradise Lost)
Do you trust God? Are you comfortable living according to His rules? A closer look at Genesis 3.
When God inspired Moses to write the book of Genesis He decided to begin with the account of creation. I believe this is a good place to begin as we long to know God better.
As followers of Christ we ought to experience certain changes in our lives, however, we are not able to truly transform our lives by our own strength, we need Jesus.
A brief look at the cross of Christ in light of the biblical plan of Salvation.
The study of the Bible should always direct us to Jesus that we might receive from Him eternal life (John 5:38-40).
This post is pretty much a manuscript form my second sermon on my new district.