Jesus is alive and interceding for us. Nothing should keep us from coming to God through Him.
Welcome to my blog. Here I share my thoughts on what matters to me.
Jesus is alive and interceding for us. Nothing should keep us from coming to God through Him.
Do you trust God? Are you comfortable living according to His rules? A closer look at Genesis 3.
When God inspired Moses to write the book of Genesis He decided to begin with the account of creation. I believe this is a good place to begin as we long to know God better.
Sharing your personal testimony is simple, just share what God has done for you. You are already able to do that. But here are a few tips to significantly improve the impact of your testimony.
When Jesus tells us to always pray and not lose heart. Reflections on Luke 18:1-8.
As followers of Christ we ought to experience certain changes in our lives, however, we are not able to truly transform our lives by our own strength, we need Jesus.
Matthew 17:14-21 records an interesting story of healing and how our unbelief limits what we are able to do.
A brief look at the cross of Christ in light of the biblical plan of Salvation.