A brief look at what Jesus has to say about ministering to children. (hint: it’s very important)
Welcome to my blog. Here I share my thoughts on what matters to me.
A brief look at what Jesus has to say about ministering to children. (hint: it’s very important)
Here’s a list of some of my favorite Bible verses. These verses have also significantly shaped my prayer life and will compliment nicely my Spiritual Warfare post.
It is not enough to be male. Men are called to be Men of God! Find out what it means to be a Man of God on this Special Father’s Day Post!
The Bible paints a clear picture of a conflict between Jesus and Satan for our lives. The question then becomes how do we intentionally engage the enemy in all areas of our life? This post has some suggestions I believe you will find helpful.
God cares and God will provide for your needs. I hope this story (Genesis 24) will encourage you to make God a bigger part of your planning and decision-making in all areas of life.
We say we love God. We even say we would do anything for love". But perhaps too often we find ourselves saying “But I won’t do that.”
Do you ever feel like you have been waiting forever for God to do something? In this study of Genesis 21 we encounter God’s faithfulness, even after a long wait.
We are flawed humans who make a mess of things. Genesis 20 gives us great insights on how God intervenes in the lives of His children.
God wants to save us more than we want to be saved! A closer look at Genesis 19.
I created an info graphic summarizing Derek J. Morris' 12 steps to preparing and delivering powerful biblical sermons.