Welcome to my blog!

My name is Marlon, and I love Jesus and learning more about Him from the Bible. I was born in Brazil and currently live in Idaho. I am married to Vanessa, my high school sweetheart, and together we have two energetic children, who are our greatest treasure on earth. I strongly believes in prayer, Bible study, and relationships. My approach to ministry, and life in general, is to keep it simple, be intentional, and make it meaningful.

I am a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor and I am currently working with the Idaho Conference as the senior pastor of the Cloverdale Seventh-day Adventist Church in Boise, Idaho.

Want to know more about me? Check out my personal posts.


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the author and the provided comments on these blogs are the authors and his alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or positions of the Idaho Conference of Seventh day-Adventists, its churches, or other employees thereof.


I pay for this website out of my own pocket. Same for all the equipment I use for this and my podcast and videos. If you have found this content meaningful and would like to help support you can make a donation through Venmo https://venmo.com/u/Marlon-Seifert

If you would like to donate gear here are some things I would love https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1B43CRN3SE6DE?ref_=wl_share

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