

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my thoughts on what matters to me.

Babylon is Fallen?

Babylon is Fallen?


We are continuing our study of the Three Angels’ Message found in Revelation 14:6-13 and this post will focus on the message of the second angel found in Revelation 14:8.

 And another angel followed, saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
- Revelation 14:8 NKJV

Here are a few quotes I found incredibly helpful in understanding the use of “Babylon” in the Bible and especially in Revelation.

Babylon, both literal and mystical, has long been recognized as the traditional enemy of God’s truth and people. As used in the Revelation the name is symbolic of all apostate religious organizations and their leadership, from antiquity down to the close of time (see Revelation 17:5; 18:24). A comparison of the many passages of the Old Testament where the sins and fate of literal Babylon are set forth at length, with those in the Revelation descriptive of mystical Babylon, makes evident the appropriateness of the figurative application of the name (see also Isa. 47:1; Jer. 25:12; 50:1; Rev. 16:12–21; Rev. 17; Rev. 18;). A perusal of these and other passages reveals the importance, also, of a thorough study of the OT with respect to literal Babylon as a background for understanding the import of NT passages relating to mystical Babylon. (paraphrased, Bold mine)

Babylon is a comprehensive term that John employs to describe all religious bodies and movements that have fallen away from the truth. This fact requires us to view this “fall” as progressive and cumulative.


This prophecy of the fall of Babylon finds its last-day fulfillment in the departure of Protestantism at large from the purity and simplicity of the gospel (see on Rev. 14:4)

The message will have increasing relevance as the end draws near, and will meet its complete fulfillment with the union of the various religious elements under the leadership of Satan (see Revelation 13:12–14; 17:12–14). The message of Revelation 18:2–4 announces the complete downfall of Babylon and calls upon God’s people who are scattered throughout the various religious bodies comprising Babylon, to separate from them.

- Nichol, F. D. (Ed.). (1980). The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (Vol. 7, p. 830). Review and Herald Publishing Association.

There is a tendency to point fingers and label specific denominations Babylon or Mystical Babylon, forgetting that God is calling his people to come out of her. So this means that right now, even is a certain denomination has strayed from the word of God it does not mean that there are no sincere believers among its members. God’s people are spread throughout the different religions and denominations and that is why the message of the second angel is so important. God’s people need to be called out of Babylon.

Some people are earnestly searching for God. They have gone from church to church to church searching for the truth. I have met with many who have learned much about God from each church they have been a member of, and as they continued to grow God would lead them to the next place where they could learn more. So I am not willing to judge anyone for where they are in their spiritual journey. Where you are in your spiritual journey only becomes a problem when you settle and reject new light that God might be bringing into your life.

I am not denying the sincerity of heart that brought you to where you are spiritually. My question to you is “Are you open for God to continue to draw you closer to Him?”

It is good to belong. I am struggling with this whole social distancing thing. I like coming to church and knowing people and hugging and talking and catching up. But my spiritual life must go beyond the mere social benefits of belonging to a church. My spiritual life must be about pursuing the truth as expressed in the word of God.

I know that there are people who love to agree on what we have in common and just not talk about our differences. I am like that. I do not enjoy confrontation. I avoid getting into arguments as much as I can. But there comes a time when I am lying awake at night, thinking about life, and I must be honest with myself and know that I am standing on what the Bible teaches.

Church membership will not save anyone. I believe that every denomination and religion in the world has a mixture of people who are earnestly seeking God and living a life that is faithful to the light they have received from God and those who are there just for the benefits but lack a sincere relationship with God. Just because people belong to the same denomination or religion does not mean that they enjoy the same relationship with God. So I am not talking about church membership or attendance only. Because I cannot deny that church membership and attendance also mean something.

Now I really want to be careful with what I say next. Please understand that I do not mean to be disrespectful or judgmental. But I do feel like I need to share the following points. Please do not take offense, I mean these next points as conversation starters and not as an argument or debate. In a debate, one person usually wins and another loses, in a conversation it is possible for both to grow and come out with a better understanding of God and to maintain mutual respect.

So here are a few points I would like for you to consider.

There are many things we all agree on as Christians, and I am glad for them for they often are core beliefs of Christianity. Now the next few things I will mention may at first seem like small details, but these details make all the difference once you think through their theological and practical implications.

Here are a few points that I believe must be accepted.

Creation - It portrays God as all-powerful and good. Earth must have been perfect from the beginning.

  • death came in because of sin.

  • Salvation comes from Jesus

  • Genesis 3:15; John 3:16

(more on creation on this post)

State of the dead.

  • If the dead are not really dead what happens to John 3:16?

  • Was the serpent telling the truth in Genesis 3:4? “You will not surely die?”

  • Why would God keep Adam and Even form having access to the tree of life? Genesis 3:22

  • Why look forward to the resurrection and the second coming of Jesus? John 14:1-3?

  • Why does Paul tell us to comfort one another with words concerning the second coming of Jesus? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

(Here’s the audio for a message on John 11 which touches on this topic. And here’s the audio for a message that goes even more in-depth regarding the state of the dead.)


  • It’s at the heart of who God is. God is a relational being who wants to have a relationship with us.

  • According to Revelation, and the history of the children of God throughout history, worship is a big deal. The Sabbath reminds us to rest because God is our creator and provider. It is found throughout the Bible. Jesus kept the Sabbath. There are zero biblical reasons to keep any other day as holy. You can go to church every day of the week if you would like. But the Sabbath remains a special sign between God and His people.

  • Jesus is our example. He never kept the laws added on by men, which is what got Him into trouble repeatedly with the religious leaders of His time. Yet Jesus kept the Sabbath, kept the law perfectly.

(more on the Sabbath here, and here, I also have a blog post here )

Now, these are just three points that I decided to focus on. These are three points that I believe to be plain throughout the scriptures. These are three points that we might disagree on. I would kindly and politely invite you to a dialogue. I am willing to hear you out, I am willing to consider I might be mistaken on these points. But I would also like to ask you to show me in the Bible, for my faith rests on God’s inspired word about anything else and no document on earth or even dreams or visions can convince me to accept something that is not taught by the Bible.

My friends, look around. If this is not God trying to get our attention I don’t know what is. I just invite and encourage all of you to study the Bible. You’re stuck at home so you might as well. God has given you an opportunity, He has given you time. Prayerfully seek Him. I want you to know, based on the Bible, where you stand and why you stand there. I don’t want you to find yourself in a place simply because of friends and family. Friends and family are great, they are a great treasure on earth. However, faithfulness to God must go above and beyond all my human ties and relationships. I must love God above all (Matthew 22:37). I must know that I stand where I stand because I have searched the scriptures and found it to be solid ground.

If you would like to discuss this further, please reach out and contact me. I am not interested in debating or arguing, but I love to talk with those who like myself are seeking to gain a better understanding of God based on His inspired word the Bible.

God is calling us to stand with Him, I encourage you to accept His invitation and allow Him to guide you into all truth.

Part Three - Worship in the Apocalypse

Fear, Anxiety and Mental Health

Fear, Anxiety and Mental Health

Revelation and the Everlasting Gospel

Revelation and the Everlasting Gospel