All tagged faith

Lest Anyone Should Boast

You have confessed your sins, and in heart put them away. You have resolved to give yourself to God. Now what? As you draw near to Him with confession and repentance, He will draw near to you with mercy and forgiveness.

Walking the Walk - because talk is cheap

It is easy to sound like a Christian, you just need to say the right words, the challenge begins when you live like a Christian. Fake Christians do much more damage to the kingdom or God than atheists ever could. So how do you live like a Christian? Find out more on this post.

Jesus. All.

It may sound cliché to say it is all about Jesus. I mean, what do we even mean by “it.” But the more I learn, in every area of life, the more I realize that indeed it is all about Jesus, and by “it” I mean everything!