"The Biblical Sabbath: Fact, Fiction, and Faith"
Exploring the Sabbath Sunday Debate: A biblical approach
This post is a rough transcription done by AI. I will later come back and clean it up.
This post is based on the transcript of my YouTube video.
Hello. Thank you for joining us for another episode in our 📍 Prophecies of Hope series.
I hope you have your Bible with you. 📍 This is our main source of information,
📍 and in this episode we're tackling a very interesting topic, which has to do with the 📍 📍 change from Saturday to Sunday.
This is a sensitive topic, and I'm going to share my opinions and my thoughts on it, and I am.
Open to having a conversation with you on this. If you think that I'm misguided, that I'm confused that I got something wrong, I would love to hear from you. This is meant to be a conversation starter, so I'm sharing what I've learned in my studies and in my research, and I'd love to hear from you if you agree, disagree, if you think that these are helpful or not.
I think this might be the last one that I'm recording at least a part of this series right now in my office. But if this is something that you enjoy and you like more of this, please give this video a thumbs up. Leave a comment in the comment section. If you're listening to this as a podcast, 📍 go to my blog.
PR marlon.com. Leave me some feedback if you want me to, to continue maybe to do another series as sort of a part two to this one. Continuing with these studies and prophecy, making it practical like we have been doing so far. But without further ado, let's jump into this study but before we do, I invite you to join me in prayer.
Father in heaven. Lord, we, we come to you in prayer because we understand that spiritual things are spiritually discerned As we open the Bible to study it, we do not want to deal without first asking for your Holy Spirit to guide us. So Lord, as we read the Bible, I pray that you would guide us into its interpretation and proper understanding that we would learn from you the things you want us to learn.
I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
So now we're gonna switch gears a little bit, and this would be difficult for those of you who are listening because you can't see my slides. 📍 But I have here a slide, a picture of the Bernstein bears. 📍 Now, I did not grow up in the us I was not introduced to these, and so I had kids, but apparently it's a very popular children's books and stories, and then the. 📍
Question is what is the correct spelling? 📍 And I know it seems like a random question. Hopefully at the end of these illustrations it'll make sense to you. Is Berenstein bears, spelled B-E-R-E-N-S. TEIN or same thing, but TAIN. Which way is it? I know if you're just listening, it's hard, but if you're watching and you can see the slide, which one do you think is the right spelling?
Is it option A or option or B. And myself included, even though I've, I've had read these books to my kids. I'm familiar with the series. I thought for sure that the correct spelling was option A berenstein with EIN at the end. But actually, I. It's Bernstein, TAIN, and I couldn't believe that I got that wrong.
The second one fooled me even more. 📍 The Looney Tunes. I grew up watching the Looney Tunes. 📍 Maybe some of you who are my age or older are also familiar with the original Looney Tunes, and for the longest time I thought the spelling was. Looney and then tunes T-O-O-N-S, like cartoons. Well, it turns out the real spelling is Looney Tunes, T-U-N-E-S, as in the tune of music because it was an animation set to music at first, and I totally would've gotten that wrong unless I hadn't just double checked on that just recently.
The next one, for those of you who grow up here in the us you're probably familiar with the creamy peanut butter. 📍 The jar has a red stripe, then a blue, then a green. 📍 Is it called Jiff peanut butter or is it Jiffy Peanut butter? Ah, man, I could swear it was Jiffy. It turns out it's gif, just JIF.
Now this one, for those of you who have watched the Star Wars movie, I'm talking about the original, where as many would say the good ones. There was this famous line where Darth Vader. Reveals to the shock of the audience and of his son that he is Luke's father, that famous line, what is it that Darth Bader says? 📍
Does he say, Luke, I am your father? I could have sworn that. That's what he says. Luke, I am your father. I can't make the voice. That's not what he says though. You can look this up online. He actually says, 📍 no, I am your father. I always thought, he said, Luke, I am your father. If anybody had asked me, I said, no, for sure.
He says, Luke, I am your father, but I was wrong. 📍 Darth Vader says, no, I am your father. Now, this next one, I think they just came out with a live action or they're coming out. I don't know. I haven't been keeping up with 📍 Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and there is a very famous line. In this cartoon, the Disney cartoon where the witch says 📍 Mirror.
Mirror on the wall. 📍 Are you familiar with that line? I remember it. Watching it as a kid. Mirror. Mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them? All right, we're familiar with these lines. Turns out they're not there. That's not what the witch says. She does not see mirror. Mirror on the wall. I was shocked. She actually says Magic mirror.
On the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Now, for those of you who like the outdoors, I know here in Idaho, we have to be a lot more careful with forest fires than we had to be out in the East coast. I lived in Georgia before coming here. Forest fires not that much of a big deal out there over here.
Very much a big deal. And who is the fire prevention animal? 📍 It's smokey the bear. 📍 Or is it Smokey Bear? Which one is it? Is it Smokey Bear or Smokey The Bear? I, I always thought it was Smokey The Bear. Turns out it's Smokey Bear who says, only you can help prevent forest fires. All of these things that I was so sure that were one way when I studied it deeply, when I fact checked myself, I found out they were actually different than what I anticipated, different than what I expected.
And there is a name for this. This is called the Mandela Effect. 📍 The Mandela Effect is a type of false memory that occurs when many different people incorrectly remember the same thing. It refers to a widespread false memory that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s. Isn't that interesting? You can look this up online.
There's lots of other examples of this. So from. Studying the Mandela effect people have discovered 📍 memories are not always precise. Recordings of events. They can change with time and people may have different memories in different contexts. Memory is also highly suggestible, which means that other people's opinions and memories may influence what a person remember.
, 📍 remembering something, it, it can be harmless. It can also be problematic but even worse than remembering things is believing in things that just aren't so . It's not so much the things that we don't know that get us into trouble. It's the things that we are so sure that are true that.
Just really aren't those, those are the ones that get us in trouble. I, I was doing some reading in history and maybe you were already familiar with this about what happened with 📍 President George Washington, how he died. So here's from britannica.com. 📍 After serving two terms as president, George Washington retired to his estate at Mount Vernon in 1797.
Two years into his retirement, Washington caught a cold. It seems harmless, right? It's just a cold. We all get cold. We all get better. Well, the cold developed into a throat infection also doesn't seem life threatening. We get infections. We get better. Well, this was back in 1797, so medicine was a little different.
📍 The cold developed into a throat infection. Doctors scared for Washington as they thought best at the time, so they believed that this was helpful. So what they did is . They, the 📍 part of the treatment included bleeding him, blistering him, and attempting unsuccessfully to give him a gargle of molasses, vinegar and butter.
So, despite their efforts, Washington died in the night of December 14th, 1799, and there is debate among historians whether he was killed by the infection or by the treatment. The doctors were doing what they thought best is just that what they thought best just wasn't so. They thought they were doing the right thing, what they were supposed to do, but actually what they were doing was making things worse.
Now, here is a question. The doctors believe in certain me myths of the time about humors and different things and what made the body sick and what could make the body better. So my question for you and, and how I'm gonna tie all this in with today's study is that, is it possible. 📍 That myths have infiltrated Christianity. 📍
Is it possible that we believe in things that the Bible doesn't teach? For example, when we talked about the origin of evil, that was one of the topics that we talked about. Many people believe the devil is just this red guy with the tail and form of a spear. And he has hopes, you know, like a goat and and horns, and he's red and ugly.
And then we found out, the Bible actually describes Lucifer as an angel of light. So could there be some other things in the Bible that challenge our conception, our, our Christian culture perhaps? Right. Things that we believe are so that just are not. Before we get into that, I just wanna do. A quick review of what the Bible does say as once again, just giving us a good, solid foundation to then go into some of this discussion.
📍 John 14, six. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Revelation 14. Seven. 📍 The angel was saying in a loud voice, fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him. Who made the heaven, the earth, the sea in the springs of water.
We see that worship is a big deal in the Book of Revelation. In the Three Angels message, as we mentioned before, the these are the last messages to be proclaimed. In Genesis. In Genesis, in Revelation chapter 14, and the next thing after the three Angels messages is the second coming of Jesus.
In verse seven, the second part talks about worship 📍 and worshiping him who made the heaven, the earth, the sea. In the springs of water. We talked about how this is important. We identify who to worship, who's the true God by knowing who the creator God is. Genesis chapter two, verses one through three says, 📍 thus, the heavens and the earth and the host of them were finished, and on the seventh day, God ended his work, which he had done and rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he rested from all his work, which God had created and made.
So we see. That God worked for six days and rested on the seventh day. This is connected to creation. The Sabbath rest is directly connected to creation. Revelation 14 talks about worshiping the creator. Exodus chapter 20, verses eight through 11, which is where we're going to be. Focusing today. Not this verse necessarily, but this commandment from God.
Well, these would be verses plural, right? There's several in Exodus 20 verses eight through 11, and there it says, 📍 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work you nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor stranger who is within your gates.
It definitely seems from the commandment itself to apply to more than just Jews, to more than just the Israelites, to more than just the people of the Old Testament. It. It went to the animals. It went to the stranger. It went to the servants who could have been of different faiths or different beliefs or different parts of the world, but they all got the Sabbath rest.
And the reasoning for it in verse 11 is also tied to creation. This commandment is tied to creation. For in six days, the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hollowed it right, made it holy. Set it aside for special use.
We see revelation. I'm talking about worshiping the creator. In Genesis, we see the creator resting on the Sabbath day on the seventh day of the week. And then in the 10 Commandments, we see this call for us to remember this command, for us to remember the seventh day and to rest in that day to give rest to everybody within our sphere of influence.
Anybody that's working for us, anybody that's within our gates, even our animals, get that rest. And then also connecting it. To creation. The reason for the Sabbath rest is because God rested back in the creation week. So if you believe in creation, we know who God is. This is related to worship, and worship seems to be connected to the seventh day Sabbath rest, which is connected to the creator God.
And keeping the commandments is also part of what sets apart God's people in the last days, like we talked about earlier, revelation 1217. 📍 Says, and the dragon was enraged with a woman and went to wake war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
That combination of the commandments and the testimony of Jesus, the two are not mutually exclusive, rather they go hand in hand, especially in light of the last days in God's remnant. Revelation 1412 says, 📍 here is the patience of the saints. Those here are those who keep the commitments of God and the faith of Jesus.
I don't think that this will be a special people that will pop up at the end of time. I believe this is a description of God's people all throughout history. Even though they may not have known the name Jesus, or that he would die on the cross, they had faith. The Messiah would come to save them from their sins.
And in the New Testament, we look back and we believe in Jesus, but we never do away with the law of God. After all, God is a loving God and his law is good for us. In John 1415, 📍 Jesus says, if you love me. Keep my commandments. This is how we demonstrate our love for God. God's remnant people love him very much.
They desire to keep his law and as we talked about before, not as a means of salvation, but as a way of demonstrating our love for God. We recognize the value in God's law and we understand that there are blessings that come from keeping it. The more people that obey that, keep that respect God's law.
The better that society is, the more that people disregard the laws of God, the more chaos, suffering, and pain that there is in society. Matthew five 17 it quotes Jesus saying, 📍 do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill. This is interesting because many people want to.
Say that fulfill means about the same as destroy in a practical sense, right? Once the law is fulfilled, you no longer have to keep it. And my question is, how does that work with the moral law? So if I tell the truth today, does that mean that I fulfilled the law and now I don't have to tell the truth tomorrow if, if Jesus fulfilled the law and died on the cross, are you okay with your spiritual leader, the, the pastor of your church, the your, your spiritual mentor who's helping you grow in your spiritual journey?
Are you okay with, with that person committing adultery? Not about stealing money. Would that be okay? What about committing murder? Is that fine? So we would say no to most of those things. If they start worshiping idols, worshiping other gods, would you have a problem with that? So why is it that it's okay when it comes to the Sabbath?
It's one another, one of the 10 Commandments. Do we want to say that all of them apply, but this one doesn't? This specific one. This one's okay. This one was just for the Jews. This one was just for the Israelites. This one's just for the Old Testament, but all the other ones continue to apply. Hmm. Makes me wonder, well, what about the words of Jesus?
I did not come to destroy the law or the prophets that came to fulfill. Well, yes, the, the prophecies are being fulfilled. Law and the prophets prophecies are being fulfilled in Jesus. Also, the law, the men's death as the price for sin. Jesus is going to fulfill that. He's going to pay that price also. You will know that there are many laws in the Old Testament that we no longer keep.
For example, we do not offer animal sacrifices that has been fulfilled. The veil on the temple split from top to bottom as Jesus was crucified. We no longer I. The way that I would go about it is all of the rituals that are connected to the temple and sacrifices, those have been fulfilled in Jesus.
That does not impact a moral law. What's wrong continues to be wrong, even though there are aspects of the law that have been fulfilled. I hope this makes sense and. Let's continue here. Matthew 18. Jesus says, 📍 for assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away. I believe this is a reference to the end of time and revelation.
Talks about this. Revelation 21, all things are made new. Revelation 20 dis describes a, a destruction by fire. We're not gonna get to that today, but this is, I think what Jesus is referencing here. You know, prophetically speaking till heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle, sorry, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law.
So all is fulfilled, so Jesus is going to fulfill the law. But that does not do away with the moral law. And we can always have the conversation of what has been fulfilled, what hasn't, for example, that the council in Jerusalem said circumcision is no longer required. And there's other things that are no longer required.
And this is, I think, a, a study that's worthwhile, but we have to be careful not to throw out all of the laws. All of the Old Testament because then we don't have a ground to stand on, to figure out right and wrong, to figure out the character of God, to understand what God is like, what Jesus came to accomplish it.
We need a foundation in our foundation is found in the Bible. We have to be very careful with what we throw out. We have to have a good foundation and basis for it. Like I said, Jesus' death on the cross sacrificial system, things related to the temple, but I think. That, for example, it's not on the 10 amendments, but there were laws against what's the word now?
When people marry people within their own family, incest and things like that. That right. Those laws, we would agree. Oh, those are still valid. Right. There's also several other laws in the Old Testament that, that we have to be careful not to throw out. There are some that were related to Israel being its own nation, that once they were under the Roman Empire, that those laws were no longer applicable just because they're not the ones in control and they had to do with the year of Jubilee.
And some other things like land ownership how you care for the crops. I mean, you could still follow it. I think it might still be a good idea, but it was not like a, a strict law. And even with Jesus, we see that the Jewish leaders could not kill him. They needed the Romans to do it. They didn't have that power because they're no longer it's not their country, right?
They're under Roman. Control. And this may seem like a lot, but I, I feel the need to say this because there's two ditches. One is we throw out all the laws in the Old Testament and say, don't even bother with the Old Testament. The other is we say, let's keep all the festivals and all the laws and, and everything.
And there the truth is somewhere in the middle. And I'm okay with tension and saying, how do we figure this out? Let's study this further. Let's, let's go on this journey. Let's prayerfully consider these things. But I think we can all agree clearly that the 10 Commandments have not been done away with.
Those were written in tablets of stone, by the finger of God, and. It's a different type of law, I believe, than all the other laws. Even though I'm not discounting the other laws as being bad or even all of them being done away with, I think it's worth studying and considering, and even if you're not keeping some of those laws.
To learn what is the principle behind these laws? What is God trying to teach his people? I think there's good sources of information there and guidance for life. 'cause once again, I believe that God loves me, that God is very wise and knows what's best for me. He wants what's best for me. So I also want to learn and be familiar with the things that God wants me to know, with the things that God is teaching me.
So let's continue here. Matthew five 19. Jesus says, 📍 whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever does and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. So this is from Matthew chapter five, verse 19, and maybe you're wondering.
Is the person who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so, are they gonna be in the kingdom of Heaven? That's a good question. One of the ways that I interpret this is if people are in the kingdom of heaven and they're talking about people you know, remember so and so, you know, if it was somebody who would break these commandments and teach others to do so, they're gonna be considered the least of these.
And chances are they're not even there. And then the others who does it, you know, then they're considered great. But I think. Perhaps Jesus is being less literal here and saying in the kingdom of God the way that things are seen, it's, there is a, a privilege, there is a blessing. It is good to keep and teach the laws of God and it is bad.
It's not a good thing. To break them and to teach others to break God's law. Right? This is not something that's pleasing to God. I think we can agree on that for sure. Even though we can maybe wonder a little bit about how literal these words are to be taken and how much is just the principle that's being put forth.
So anyway, I love to know your thoughts on that. Lemme know in the comments. Luke chapter four, verse 16. It says, 📍 so he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up, and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read Luke chapter four, verse 16. It says that it was Jesus' custom.
You know that custom is right. It's something you do regularly. It's a habit. It was Jesus's habit to go to the synagogue on what day? On the Sabbath day, he was a Jew and he was faithful to God. Jesus never sinned, but we see that he got into trouble with the religious leaders of the time because Jesus did not keep the Jewish how can I say it?
The laws of, of the rabbis and the teachers that they added on to the law of God. Jesus was always faithful to God, but not to all the extra rules. That's why he would get accused of breaking some of the rules, even though he was not. So if Jesus was going to church on Sabbath or the synagogue. I think that's a good habit to follow.
He's our example. As he went through life, we want to do what he did, and he says here it was his custom. This is something that he did regularly. Not a, a new thing or an odd thing. It was his custom to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath and participate in in what was happening there. We would call it worship.
Mark two twenty seven. Let's turn there. Mark chapter two, verse 27. It says there, 📍 and he said to them, the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. The Sabbath is not a burden for us. It is a blessing for us. We benefit from keeping the Sabbath. It's not something that we must do as a sacrifice to make God happy, but rather it's something that God established because we need it.
Therefore Mark 2 28, 📍 the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath. So if you were to ask me, which one is the Lord's Day, according to Jesus' own words, quoted in Mark chapter two, verse 28, the son of man, Jesus, Jesus is referring to himself. Here is also Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus is saying that he is the Lord.
Of the Sabbath for me, according to the Bible, if there's any day that I'm going to refer to as the Lord's Day, it would be the Seventh Day Sabbath that Jesus is talking about here, that the Sabbath was not made for men. I'm sorry that the Sabbath was made for men and not man for the Sabbath. Let me make sure I get that right.
So Jesus is saying the Sabbath was made for man and the son of man. Jesus Himself is the Lord of the Sabbath. So the Sabbath would be the day of the Lord, and some people will try to make it a different day of the week, 📍 but let's say you're confused, wondering how can we know which day is the Sabbath?
Now I grew up in Brazil. I keep repeating this, but it, it did shape my life experience as part of who I am. I grew up speaking Portuguese, didn't really start speaking English until I was sixth, seventh grade. That's when I started to learn it and become more fluent. In Portuguese, the seventh day of the week is called Sabado.
In Spanish, Sabado I think in French and in several other languages, it's the same thing. So I've never had to have this conversation until moving to the US and then it's called Saturday, not Sabbath. And then people wonder which day is the Sabbath? Well, for a lot of the world and a lot of languages.
It, it, it's not a question like it's, it's right there on the calendar. It's the name of the day of the week. But let's say you say, well, but people have changed the calendar and now it's the Gregorian calendar and there was different ones. It was like the Julian or whatever, or what if in a different country or different culture, you know?
Okay. Fair enough. Let's, let's look at the Bible. Remember, we want the Bible to be our primary source of information. Let's go to the gospel according to Luke. So this is Luke chapter 23. I. Luke chapter 23. It's talking about the death of Jesus, his crucifixion, his burial. So Luke chapter 23 begins with Jesus being handed over to Pontius Pilates and there's after he had faced the sinh in Luke chapter 22.
But this is extra information. You don't really need to worry about that, but you're feel familiar. I'm just setting the timeline for you. But let's go to verse 54. Okay, this is what we want to pay attention to. Luke chapter 23, verse 54. It says, 📍 that day was a preparation and the Sabbath drew near what day was the preparation day.
That's how they refer to Friday. They were preparing for the Sabbath. When the manna fell on Friday, when the children of Israel were out in the wilderness, it fell double and they got extra and prepared it for the Sabbath. So on Friday, the God's children would prepare for the Sabbath by getting things ready ahead of time so that they can rest during the Sabbath day, during the Sabbath hours.
So it was the preparation day in the Sabbath. Drew, near the Sabbath begins when the sun sets on Friday night. So in the women, verse 55 says 📍 In the women who had come with him about Jesus, talking about Jesus here from Galilee, followed after, and they observed the tomb and how his body was laid. So Jesus is dead at this point.
They laid his body on the tomb. This is preparation day, so it's Friday evening. 📍 And they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils, and they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment. What an odd thing for Luke to write down. Why? Why did he feel the need to say this? I think he's explaining why the women didn't do it right then and there.
Why didn't he just come back the next day and do it? They're keeping the commandments of God, even though they're going to anoint the body of Jesus. They said, well, he is already dead. Let's keep the Sabbath according to the commandment of God, and then the next day we'll come back. We'll come back and do it.
This brings us to Luke chapter 24 verse one. Says 📍 now, on the first day of the week, early in the morning, they and certain other women with them came to the tomb bringing spices, which they had prepared, 📍 but they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, and they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
Huh? This happened on the first day of the week. What do we call that day? We refer to that day as Resurrection Sunday, I think. All Christians agree, at least the great majority of Christians agree that Jesus rose on Sunday. We know that Jesus was crucified on Friday. The Sabbath day is the day that is in between those two.
You may have heard of Good Friday. 📍 Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. The day on which Christians annually observe the commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is from britannica.com. Talking about Good Friday. I. Also there is 📍 resurrection Sunday, like I mentioned, it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
There are many churches and and Christians that get together on that Sunday at sunrise to celebrate Jesus being raised from the dead. So if you know which day Jesus was raised from the dead, if you know which day Jesus was crucified, then you know which day the Sabbath is. Jesus was crucified. On Friday, the women went and saw where they put the body.
This happened on Friday. It was preparation day. They rested during the Sabbath according to the commandment. Luke chapter 23, verse 56. They're keeping the commandment. They understood the commandment. This is the Sabbath. Jesus also rests during that day. An interesting thing, I didn't think about this before, but I'll say it now.
When Jesus died on the cross, he said it is finished. That he rested on Sabbath and Sunday he got back to work. He rose up from the dead. When God finished creation on the sixth day, he says that it was finished, all the work that he had done and it was very good. And what did he do next? He rested on the Sabbath.
I think it's an interesting connection there. So Acts chapter 13, verse 14. So this is after Jesus died and Jesus rose from the dead. We're now. In the early church, right in the book of Acts, and what, what's happening with Christianity is expanding and growing and, and reaching other places. It's going global at this point.
Acts 1314, it says the following, 📍 but when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch and Sidia and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down. This is interesting. This is followers of Jesus Christians. You could say, I don't think they were called Christians yet, but they're going to church on on the Sabbath Day, acts 13 verse 42.
So let's go a little bit further here. Verse 42. It says, 📍 so when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles beg that these words may be preached to them when the next Sabbath, and if we go. One more verse, verse 44. It says, 📍 on the next Sabbath, almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God.
But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy and contradicting and blaspheming. They opposed these things spoken by Paul, so the Jews were upset. Which means that Paul was not here just talking to the Jews. The Jews were upset. And also I get it that this could be a reference to the Jewish leaders, those who are opposing Jesus, but it's not just Jews that he's talking to.
He's talking to the community at large on the Sabbath day, on the synagogue, long after Jesus had died and rose from the dead. This would be a perfect opportunity for Paul to talk about, Hey, we changed the day. Now we worship on a different day. We're celebrating the resurrection now. We worship on Sunday, but there is no mention of that.
They're continuing to worship on the Sabbath according to the biblical record. Maybe you're still not convinced. You're not sure. I'm sure it's in there somewhere. Right? It it's like the Mandela effect. I'm, I'm pretty sure that it says somewhere that it was changed. It has to be there somewhere. Well, let's, let's look at, at a few more verses, acts chapter 18, verse four.
It says, 📍 and he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath and persuaded both Jews and Greeks, every Sabbath coming to the synagogue in reasoning with both Jews and Greeks, and not a single mention. Of it changing and saying, by the way, guys, now we're meeting on Sunday. You know, we're changing the day. We're not Jews, we're Christians and you know, let's make sure we we separate and, and make sure everybody understands the difference.
No mention of something as big as changing one of the 10 Commandments, but rather it seems like it's not even a, a. A major point is just they're still gathering on Sabbath. They come together, they're preaching to the Jews and to the Greeks, and there's no mention of any sort of change taking place in the Book of Acts.
📍 There is no biblical evidence when you look at the Bible that either Jesus or any of his followers transferred the sacredness that God placed on the seventh day all the way in the creation week when God finished all the work that he had done, and he blessed the sat day and made it holy, and that it's mentioned again in the 10 Commandments and.
There's nowhere in the Bible, in the holy scriptures, the words of Jesus or his disciples or anyone that changes, that transfers, that holiness, that sacredness to another day. It's just not there. Maybe it's the Mandela effect, right? You thought for sure. But isn't there a verse that, that it says that it, it was holier.
They were gathered, or now they're going to church on that day. It's not there. I. So are there things that talk about this change? There are. They're not in the Bible though. And I'm gonna try to put this, I should be able to just need to go back over the notes, but try to put all the links to the things I'm about to mention on my blog so that you can read it for yourself.
And this is, I found this on gutenberg.org. It has several books available for free. The book you wanna look up, if you're gonna Google this, in fact, check me, I invite you to, it's 📍 the faith of our fathers. Being a plain exposition and vindication of the church founded by our Lord Jesus Christ by James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore.
So if you put there, James Cardinal Gibbons faith of our Fathers, it should pull up this book. This was published in 1917. And I'm going to quote from chapter eight. 📍 The, this chapter is entitled The Church and the Bible. This was written by Cardinal let me go back here and see by Cardinal James Gibbons.
James Cardinal Gibbons he was an archbishop. I'm sorry, not a Cardinal Archbishop of Baltimore. And this is what he said in Church of our Fathers. This is page 77, so you can just scroll through and find page 77. 📍 The church, as we have just seen, is the only divinely instituted teacher of revelation. So according to this author, the church, as we have just seen, is the only divinely constituted teacher of revelation, meaning.
You don't read it for yourself. You don't learn for yourself. The church has to teach you, I believe differently. I want to guide you. I want you to learn for yourself from the Bible. I am here to offer support. I'm here to help with difficult parts. I'm here to encourage you, but I believe you can get this for yourself and what I teach should make sense as you study this for yourself and should you come into.
Conflict between what I say and what the Bible says. I encourage you to follow the Bible and hopefully we can come to an agreement on what the Bible is saying on any topic, but let's, let's continue here 📍 now. The scripture is the great depository of the word of God. Therefore, the church is a divinely appointed custodian and interpreter of the Bible.
So he says, yes, this has the word of God, but you cannot do it without the church. You need the church. And I mean, it's a bold move, right? It, it really helps with job security. If I told you you cannot read the Bible for yourself, you can never hope to understand prophecy, just come to me and I will tell you what to believe.
That's great. It's great job security for me, and you just have to keep coming to me. And then it also gives me a good deal of power over you and how you live your life. I. But I don't think that that's the way that it is. So as tempting as that might be, I disagree here with, with the Archbishop of Baltimore, James Gibbons.
But let's continue quoting him here, 📍 therefore, okay. I read that part for her Office of Infallible Guide. We, for her office of Infallible Guide, were superfluous if each individual could interpret the Bible for himself. So if everybody could just read the Bible for themselves, you wouldn't really need the church, would you?
I think you do, but it serves a different purpose. But that may be a topic for a different video. Okay. Maybe I'll talk it just about it just a little bit. If the church is not the Infallible Guide, you know if it for her Office of Infallible Guide, were superfluous if each individual could interpret the Bible for himself.
So I believe each individual can interpret the Bible for himself or herself. So what's the purpose of the church? And for me, that answer is fairly easy. I've given this quite a bit of thought. I continue to give it thought. Why should people come to church? My answer is for the sake of mission, for the sake of service, for the sake of encouraging one another, of being equipped and trained to go out and be a positive impact in the world.
I definitely believe there is a reason for the church to exist, but that's not because only the church can interpret the Bible, even though it is beneficial to have someone who has studied and gone to school and learned and, and is able to teach the same way that I believe. People can figure out math on their own, but it definitely helps to have a math teacher.
So anyway, just in any area, it's good to have a teacher, but you can always disagree and, and have a conversation and dialogue, and that's what I hope for. But continuing here, back to the faith of our father, same chapter, few pages down page 89. It says, 📍 now the scriptures alone do not contain all the truths which a Christian is bound to believe, nor do they explicitly enjoin all the duties.
Which he's obligated to practice. Now, this we disagree on. Once again, he's saying the scriptures by themselves are not enough. They don't have all the rules. Not to mention other examples is not every Christian obliged to sanctify Sunday and abstain on that day from a necessary survival work is not the observance of this law among the most prominence of our sacred duties.
But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday a day, which we never sanctify. This is not me saying this is not a Seventh Day Adventist saying it. This is a Catholic sharing and I keep forgetting his name, the Archbishop of Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbons, not just any guy.
And he's saying, oh yeah, you can read the Bible. It's not there. We don't follow the Bible on that one. We follow the church, which for me, there's a reason to pause. Because I don't know about you, but I, I, I, I guess I'm, I'm, I'm young enough or I've been around enough to, to distrust organizations. I'm always like, Hmm, I don't know.
You know, you gotta, you gotta work to earn my trust. I tend to distrust big organizations, big corporations, and I'm not saying they're all evil, it's just I have to, they have to earn my trust and, and the idea of a religious organization doing something that the Bible does not. Clearly do something as major as a day of worship, a day that God made.
Holy and to say, no, no, we're gonna make this other day. And I'm not just saying about church attendance. You can go to church every day. As we are having this series, we are meeting every day this week going over prophecy in, in the Bible. So I, I'm not opposed to meeting at church and worshiping all the day of the week, all the days of the week.
But there is one day that is holy. There is one day that God invites us to stop working and to spend time with him and to connect with family, and we don't get to choose that day. God chose it. God made it holy. Unless you have the ability to make something holy, then by all means, go for it. Make something holy.
Pick a different day and make it holy. I don't, I can't, so I keep the one that God made. Holy. And there's another book that I came across. This one, I think it's also available online for free, but I think you have to borrow it. And I got this from archive.org and it's called The 10 Rules for Living by Clovis DG Chapel page 61.
This gentleman is, I mean, you can Google him Clovis G Chapel. He is not Catholic. He's Protestant. And here's what he wrote in his book, 10 Rules for Living. 📍 The reason we observed the first day of the week, instead of the seventh day is based on no positive command. One will search the scriptures in vain for authority for changing.
From the seventh day to the first, so according to Clovis G Chapel, there is nothing in the scriptures in the Bible that changes the authority or that has the authority to change the seventh day. The Sabbath from the seventh day to the first day. Once again, an author who's not an Adventist, this one's not even Catholic, but he agrees, he studied.
The Bible says it's, it's just not there. Now this next source is from Catholic Apologetics info, 📍 and you can look up a doctrinal catechism and there's a really long description of, the title is really long, but here is one of the points this question. And I have a link to this also in case you wanna fact check me.
I invite you to 📍 have you any other way of proving that the church has power to institute festivals of precept answer. Had she not such power, she could not have done that, in which all modern religious. NISTs agree with her. She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no scriptural authority.
So here, once again, we have a Catholic catechism sort of like flexing its muscle, saying, yes, we changed it, not the Bible, and everybody else has followed along. My question to you then is what do you want to follow? You wanna follow the Bible or the changes made by powerful religious political leaders?
Remember that in Jesus's time, he had a hard time with the religious leaders of his time. He disagreed with them, and eventually they put him to death. Do you think it's a stretch for modern religious leaders? To also have an issue with the teachings of Jesus, with the teachings of the Bible, with what the Bible calls us to do and, and perhaps they want to tell you otherwise.
It's your choice where you're going to follow. I could tell you why I follow the Bible. I. And maybe you can wonder and think about why you follow whatever you choose to follow. I encourage you to follow the Bible. And if you're not gonna follow the Bible, what's a good biblical scriptural reason for why you are rejecting a clear teaching in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
To follow something else, something that, a church that a religious group teaches. Matthew, chapter 15, let's, let's get back into the word of God. Matthew chapter 15, verse three. 📍 He answered and said to them, why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? This is Jesus speaking in his time to Jewish leaders.
I. Verse nine says 📍 In in vain, they worship me teaching as doctrine, the commandments of men. Jesus is saying, when you're teaching as doctrine, as biblical teaching the commandments that come from men and not from the Bible, you're worshiping God in vain Jesus's words, not mine. You could maybe say it's kind of harsh.
I don't know if I would say it that way, but Jesus said it so you can take it up with him. I don't know. I mean, you tell me. If you think I'm wrong, let me know from the Bible. I am open to having this conversation. I'm not saying I'm absolutely right, I'm just saying I've been studying this for a while now and this is the conclusion that I've come to.
Here's another. An example, I, I found this online. 📍 It's called the Catholic Services Appeal 1995 actually, sorry. The St. Catherine Catholic Church Sentinel. And there's even an address here. One 16th Street clear Boulevard, AO AK Michigan. Four eight zero zero one. And there's a phone number. 📍
It's probably changed since then. This was published in May 21st, 1995. This is volume 50 of the Sentinel. Issue number 22. And here I have it zoomed in and highlighted apart. This is it says, 📍 perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change the church ever did happened in the first century.
The holy day, the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday. The day of the Lord de is Dominica. It was chosen not for any discretions noted in the scripture, but from the church's sense of its own power. The day of resurrection, the day of Pentecost, 50 days later came on the first day of the week. So this would be the new Sabbath.
People who think that the scripture, oh. Sorry, people who think that the scriptures should be the sole authority should logically become Seventh Day Adventists and keep Saturday Holy. I didn't expect that, but hey, thank you for the plug. Right, so, so here's a Catholic author writing on this document saying, well, if you're gonna follow just the Bible, just join the Seventh Day Adventist and keep the Sabbath Holy Saturday.
Otherwise. It seems like you're following the Catholic church and the teaching that's not from the Bible. Once again, if you disagree with me, let me know. Gimme some links to the sources. I'm giving you links to the sources where I found these things. I invite you to do the same. Let's have a friendly, respectful dialogue, but ultimately, I want to follow the Bible.
It's my desire. I believe that God's law, that God's intentions are the best. And I had to have a really good reason to go against something, especially written in stone in the 10 Commandments, especially if I'm not willing to throw out all the other ones, right? If, if I still think that adultery is wrong and murder and stealing and you know, all these other things, worshiping other gods worshiping idols.
Something to think about. We're almost done here. First John, chapter five, verse three. First John, chapter five, verse three says, 📍 for this is the love of God that we keep, his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome. For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments. His commandments are not a burden, they're a blessing.
It's God's will, God's plan for our lives. These are my thoughts. This is my understanding of the scripture. This is my study when I believe the Bible teaches. I had love to know your thoughts on this. Agree, disagree questions. Let's continue this dialogue. I hope that you found this helpful. If you found this helpful, once again, give us a thumbs up.
Give us a like, subscribe to our channel. Let me know if there's other topics. Lemme know if you enjoyed this series and maybe we can look into recording some more and going deeper into prophecy. I know this is, we, we barely scratched the surface with these 10 sessions. On this and there's so much more.
Yeah, but I don't wanna spend my time doing it if you don't find it valuable. So gimme some feedback and, and let me know. So for those who are here in our area tomorrow night, we're gonna be gathering here at the church, we're having a special worship experience. And it's gonna be a Cloverdale choir ware.
So we're gonna have the choir, we're gonna have a priest team live music, just praising God. I invite you to join us in that worship. Thank you so much for joining me for this series. May God bless you. Continue to study the word of God. God will reveal himself to you as you seek him with all your heart, and the Bible is a great place to start.