The “remnant,” then, is a qualifier describing the historical-spiritual reality of God’s Church throughout the history of redemption. - Dr. Canale
Welcome to my blog. Here I share my thoughts on what matters to me.
The “remnant,” then, is a qualifier describing the historical-spiritual reality of God’s Church throughout the history of redemption. - Dr. Canale
“We can no more repent without the Spirit of Christ to awaken the conscience than be pardoned without Christ.”
- Steps to Christ p26
God uses socially powerless individuals possessing profound faith in Him to overturn and transforms the social order.
- Robert D. Bergen
There is no hope for anyone to come to God by their own power. All of us need a Savior, we all need Jesus.
Jesus trusted God and refused to use His divinity to get out of difficult situations. Are we willing to follow His example and trust the Father like Jesus did?
Jesus reveals what the Father is like. We don’t have to be afraid of God, He loves us.
God’s people are called to be faithful. The great battle at the end of time will be similar to what it has always been, all about who you worship.
The first and most important thing to know about God is that He loves you very much!
Here is the audio of an interview I did with Andre Costa LMHC, founder of Character Counseling. We talk about fear, anxiety and go over some practical tips to help with our mental health.
It is easy to believe what everyone else believes. But just because everyone believes it, does it make it true? How many of our beliefs stand on solid biblical ground?