

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my thoughts on what matters to me.

Family and Relationships

Family and Relationships

Family and Relationships
Marlon and Vanessa Seifert

The audio gets better as the episode progresses. My wife and I recorded this Saturday night, after putting our kids to bed and we were essentially inside our closet. I hope you find this helpful and I would love to hear your thoughts on the topics we discussed or suggestions for future topics for discussions like this.

Special thanks to my wife for joining me in this project. You can find her on Instagram @Vanaseifert.

Brief Outline

How to manage anger when arguing with significant other.

  • Be respectful

  • Be self-aware - we tend to copy what we witnessed growing up.

  • Identify patterns - recognize where you’re headed.

  • It’s okay to take a break and finish later.

  • Write a letter or list. What is the main problem?

  • Ask clarifying questions.

  • Say “you made me feel” instead of you made me.

How to balance ministry, wellness, and marriage.

  • Schedule time for exercise.

  • Agree on your family values and goals.

  • Set boundaries. Try to make decisions that eliminate or greatly facilitate other decisions.

  • Prioritize.

  • It is not what you don’t eat that makes you healthy.

  • Your marriage and wellness are key to successful ministry.

A Godly Marriage

  • Define a marriage that honors God.

  • Bless your spouse

  • Put God first

  • Respect and love

  • It’s is nothing about deserving love but about choosing to do what is best to bless your spouse or child.

  • Works best when both are Christians

  • Respect boundaries

  • Be careful with sin

  • Be aware of your individual weaknesses and your weaknesses as a couple.

Making time for each other while having two little ones.

  • Take opportunities as they come.

  • Don’t let the kids become an excuse for neglecting the needs of your partner.

  • Your needs change as you go through different phases.

  • Identify what is taking up your time. What is under your control? What changes can you make?


  • family values

  • Family goals

  • Family games

  • Family motto

  • Family traditions

  • Make family fun

  • Tell stories - helps children find their identity, their tribe, where they belong. Also helps them navigate life’s challenges.

    • Talk about a time you were scared.

    • Talk about a time you failed.

    • Talk about what you love.

  • Look at old pictures together. Create a narrative for your family. Establish values.

Please comment below and let us know your thoughts.

What would you like for us to discuss in a future episode?

To Love is Enough

To Love is Enough

What Do You Love?

What Do You Love?