

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my thoughts on what matters to me.



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The blog post and podcast episode "I am grateful for my wife!" is one of my most popular posts, and I listened to you suggestions and recomendations.

Someone recommended that I do a podcast with my wife where we talk about our relationship. I also had some of you ask me about long distance relationships. I talked to my wife about it and she suggested we take questions from you and answer them in the podcast.

So below is a place where you can anonymously ask questions you would like for us to discuss in the upcoming podcast episode.

You can ask your question by clicking here

Just to clarify, my wife and I are not licensed counselors, we are a just a happily married couple wiling to share some of our experiences and insights we have gained in our 10 years of marriage and 17 years in a relationship.

You can also leave us your question by commenting on this post or on social media.


My wife and I have started sharing our answers to your questions. The answers can be found in the following links: Part One, Part Two, Part Three

For a newer post on this topic check out The Woman I Love

Becoming Elijah - Part 4 - The Depressed Prophet

Becoming Elijah - Part 4 - The Depressed Prophet

34th Birthday

34th Birthday